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Simple Sudoku aggiunto il 22 May 2024 giocato 2 volte Enigmi, Educativi, Android, HTML5, Cellulare, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen, Riflessione

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Descrizione del gioco:

"Simple Sudoku" offers a refreshing take on the classic puzzle game, providing players with a multitude of modes to suit every skill level. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned Sudoku aficionado, there's a challenge awaiting you. With modes ranging from easy to inhuman, you can choose the level of difficulty that best matches your expertise. Test your logical thinking and problem-solving skills as you fill in the grid, ensuring that each row, column, and 3x3 square contains the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. Dive into the world of "Simple Sudoku" and embark on a journey of mental agility and satisfaction.

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